Our Supporters

Mearns Kirk Helping Hands would be unable to carry out it’s work without the generous assistance of our funders and supporters:

The National Lottery Improving Lives Fund

The National Lottery Awards for All

ASDA Community Fund

Volunteering Support Fund (Scottish Government)

East Renfrewshire Good Causes

The Allen Lane Foundation

Age Scotland

Baillie Gifford

The Endrick Trust

PF Charitable Trust

Virgin Money

The RS Macdonald Charitable Trust

Scottish Building Society

The Iron Bridge Foundation

Darroch Family Trust

Age Scotland

The Garfield Weston Foundation

Hugh Fraser Foundation

James McNab Trust
Jennie S Gordon Memorial Fund
JHT Charitable Trust

Urquarts Community Fund

Westwood Charitable Trust

The Woodroffe Benton Foundation

We also regularly receive donations from individuals and organisations to whom we would like to express our thanks and gratitude.

If you would like to make a donation or support us in some other way you can Contact Us  email hello@mkhelpinghands or phone 07858 552 767.


You can also make a donation via our Crowdfunder page