Our Purpose, Vision and Values
Our Purpose:
To improve wellbeing and reduce loneliness and isolation for older people in East Renfrewshire.
Our Vision:
All older people in East Renfrewshire will have the opportunity to make meaningful connections, and have a sense of belonging.
Our Values:
We are: Caring, Collaborative, Connected and Community Led.
Our Groups, Activities and Services
Our Supporters
Mearns Kirk Helping Hands would be unable to carry out it’s work without the generous assistance of our funders and supporters:
The National Lottery Improving Lives Fund
The National Lottery Awards for All
ASDA Community Fund
Volunteering Support Fund (Scottish Government)
East Renfrewshire Good Causes
The Allen Lane Foundation
Age Scotland
Baillie Gifford
The Endrick Trust
PF Charitable Trust
Virgin Money
The RS Macdonald Charitable Trust
Scottish Building Society
The Iron Bridge Foundation
Darroch Family Trust
Age Scotland
The Garfield Weston Foundation
Hugh Fraser Foundation
James McNab Trust
Jennie S Gordon Memorial Fund
JHT Charitable Trust
Urquarts Community Fund
Westwood Charitable Trust
The Woodroffe Benton Foundation
We also regularly receive donations from individuals and organisations to whom we would like to express our thanks and gratitude.
If you would like to make a donation or support us in some other way you can Contact Us email hello@mkhelpinghands or phone 07858 552 767.
You can also make a donation via our Crowdfunder page
Mearns Kirk Helping Hands is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) SC046646.
About Us
As such we are registered with OSCR, the Scottish Charity Regulator www.oscr.org.uk
Board of Trustees
Mearns Kirk Helping Hands is governed by our Board of Trustees, chaired by Fiona MacLeod. Our Treasurer is Robert Paton, C.A. Other Trustees are:
Isobel Dawson
Pat Kedslie
Aileen Louden
Heather Smyth
Graham Kerr
You can see a copy of our Constitution here.
The Board is clear about Mearns Kirk Helping Hands values, aims and objectives and ensures these are being delivered effectively, as well as providing strategic leadership.
The Board makes sure that its decision- making processes are informed, rigorous and timely and that effective delegation, control, risk assessment and management systems are implemented and monitored.
The Board of Trustees leads the organisation in being transparent and accountable.
Who we Report to
Mearns Kirk Helping Hands reports regularly to our funders.
Annual Reports
We produce an Annual Report prior to our AGM each year. You can see a copy of our 2023 Annual Report here.
Our History
Mearns Kirk Helping Hands evolved from the good work being carried out by volunteers from Mearns Kirk for over 20 years. In 2016 it was decided that Mearns Kirk Helping Hands be established as a registered charity, to develop and grow these three established volunteer led groups (The Friendship Club, The Lunch Club for People Living with Dementia and the Eastwood Bereavement Group).
The three original groups continue to develop and thrive. Over the last five years we have expanded the range of services and activities we provide to include one to one befriending for older people, more social activities each week and increased opportunities to access groups which promote mental and physical wellbeing.
Our Staff Team
Our current staff team are:
Project Manager: Vicky Attwood
Volunteer Coordinator: Laura Watts
Project Worker (Befriending Project): Liz Highet
Project Support Worker: Venus Choi